Monday, October 14, 2024

From Hell to Helping: Navigating the Challenges of Recovery in the Field

From Hell to Helping: Navigating the Challenges of Recovery in the Field

They say those who can't do, teach. But what about those who've been to hell and back? Can they teach, counsel, or nurse? Should they? The question of individuals in recovery entering the helping professions is a complex one, filled with landmines, silver linings, and a whole lot of gray area.

The Dark Side: Relapse Risks and Unfinished Business

Let's get the scary stuff out of the way first. The helping professions aren't for the faint of heart, and they're certainly not a cakewalk for those in early recovery. The stress, the trauma, the endless needs of's a recipe for disaster if you're not solid in your own sobriety. One moment of weakness, one boundaries slip, and you could be face-first in the booze or dope again. And this time, you're not just dragging yourself down, but also the vulnerable people relying on your care.

There's also the matter of unfinished business. If you're still wrestling your own demons, how can you hope to exorcise anyone else's? The wounds of recovery are still raw, the self-loathing still potent. Can you truly offer compassion when a little part of you is screaming "I'm a fraud, an addict, a mess"?

The Light Side: Lived-In Experience and Compassion for Days

But what if the darkness is exactly what qualifies you to be a light? Those in recovery have been to the depths of human suffering and crawled back out. They know the taste of desperation, the feel of hitting bottom, the struggle to find a glimmer of hope. And it's exactly this lived-in experience that can make them exceptional healers.

There's a compassion that can only be born of shared pain. A recovered addict knows what it means to feel broken, shameful, and lost. They know the courage it takes to seek help, to keep showing up even when progress feels nonexistent. This isn't textbook empathy – it's the real deal.

The Field's Dilemma: Protecting Clients, Embracing Potential

So how does the field navigate this? On one hand, we need to protect our clients from anyone who might do more harm than good. No one in the throes of a relapse belongs in a position of trust. But on the other hand, are we throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we dismiss the potential of recovered individuals outright?

Perhaps the answer lies in discernment, not blanket policies. Can this person demonstrate solid sobriety, self-awareness, and a willingness to do their own therapeutic work? Or are they trying to escape their issues under the guise of helping others?

A Question of Timing, Not Morality

At the heart of the matter, it's not about whether people in recovery can make good helpers (they can). It's about when they should take on this role. Recovery isn't a destination, but a journey. There are seasons for intense self-focus and seasons for pouring into others.

The key is getting honest about where you're at. Is helping a way to feed your own soul, or is it a way to avoid your still-open wounds? Only you know the answer. But get it honest, because the lives of others hang in the balance.

The Bottom Line: It's Complicated (Like Us)

There are no easy answers here. But maybe that's okay. After all, recovery and the helping professions are about embracing the messy, the gray, the imperfect. It's about knowing that even in our darkest corners, there's the potential for light.

So let's stop pretending we have it all together, whether we're in the helper's chair or the client's. Let's own our struggles, our fears, our messy humanity. Because in the end, it's not about being perfect – it's about being real. And that's something any recovering hell-raiser can offer in spades.-Belle-

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lies, Damned Lies, and Addiction

Lies, Damned Lies, and Addiction

We've all been there - those of us who've danced with addiction, that is. The lies. Oh, the glorious, ridiculous, mind-boggling lies we tell ourselves and others. I know I have. And as a counselor, I've seen some doozies. But why? Why do we spin these tangled webs? And what happens when we finally stop?

The Great Con (Our Minds):

Addiction is a master manipulator. It convinces us we're getting away with something, that we're smarter than everyone else. I mean, come on, who wouldn't believe these gems?

  • "I don't have an addiction." (Sure, and I'm the Queen of England.)
  • "I can stop anytime I want to." (Just you wait, I'll quit tomorrow. Or next week. Or never.)
  • "It hasn't changed me at all." (You mean besides the constant lying, stealing, and ruining relationships?)
  • "I'm not as bad as [insert name]." (The classic "addiction Olympics" - because bronze in self-destruction is still a loss.)
  • "I only use it occasionally." (Yeah, like that one time... every day.)
  • "I'm under a lot of stress — it's okay to kick back with this stuff and relax." (Because nothing says "relaxation" like a hangover and a crushed soul.)

But here's the kicker: we start believing our own BS. It's like method acting for idiots. We play the role of "totally not an addict" so long, we forget we're acting.

The Crash (When Reality Hits):

Sooner or later, the lies catch up. Maybe it's a DUI, a lost job, or your kids stopping you with a look of pure disappointment. For me, it was waking up in jail, wondering what I'd done the night before (again). That's when you realize you haven't been fooling anyone - except maybe yourself.

Getting Real (The Hard Part):

Stopping the lies is easy. Having the guts to see yourself clearly, to face the damage... that's hard. It means admitting you're vulnerable, that you need help. It sucks. But it's also your only real shot at freedom.

Getting real means facing the shame, the guilt, the crushing regret. It means feeling those uncomfortable emotions instead of numbing out. But here's the thing: you don't have to do it alone. Counseling, support groups, they're all about having a safe space to own your crap. To say out loud, "I messed up. I need help."

And it's not just about talking. Sometimes it's about creating - writing, art, music. Whatever helps you express the mess inside and start to untangle it.

My Take (From Both Sides Now):

As someone who's been in treatment and now works in it, I see the lies from both ends of the telescope. I look back on my own and cringe. I see my clients spinning the same tales and want to shake them (gently). But I get it. I really do. Because those lies, they offer a false sense of control when everything feels out of control.

The Shift (From Lies to Recovery):

Recovery isn't about perfection. It's about brutal honesty, with yourself first. It's about owning your crap, one painful truth at a time. And yeah, it's hard. But the freedom... oh man, the freedom from all those lies, that's something else.

So if you're stuck in the cycle of lying, just know this: you're not fooling anyone. Least of all yourself. And if you're ready to stop running the con... well, there's a whole lot of us who've been there, done that, and would be happy to show you the way out.

We've all been there - those of us who've danced with addiction, that is. The lies. Oh, the glorious, ridiculous, mind-boggling lies we tell ourselves and others. I know I have. And as a counselor, I've seen some doozies. But why? Why do we spin these tangled webs? And what happens when we finally stop?-Belle- 

Monday, October 7, 2024

When Your Kids Start Asking the Hard Questions: Navigating Addiction Conversations as a Parent in Recovery

My 10-year-old son looked up from his Legos, curiosity in his eyes. "Mom, what's meth?" My heart skipped a beat. Already? I thought. But I took a deep breath and remembered the promise I made when I got sober: honesty, no matter how hard.

A few days later, my 9-year-old asked, "What does it feel like when you get high?" I hesitated, not wanting to glorify the experience. But I knew I had to be honest. "It's like a fake sense of happiness," I explained. "But it's not real, and it doesn't last. And it led to a lot of pain and problems."

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. And when you're a parent, that journey includes a roadmap of tough conversations. My kids were little when I got sober, but now, as pre-teens, they're asking questions – about drugs, about the past, and about their father, who's still struggling with addiction.

The Hypocrisy Factor

It feels hypocritical lecturing your kids about drugs when you've battled addiction. You think, Who am I to tell them what to do? But your story is your greatest tool. It shows your kids that addiction is real, that it can happen to anyone, and that recovery is possible. Many of us in recovery grapple with this feeling of hypocrisy. But the truth is, you're not teaching your kids that drug use is okay. You're teaching them that addiction is a disease, and that getting help is possible.

Don't Panic (Outwardly, at Least)

When the questions come, take a breath. It's okay not to have all the answers ready. Say, "That's a great question. Let me think, and we'll talk later." Use the time to collect your thoughts, maybe talk to your partner, a friend, or sponsor. Remind yourself that it's better to have these uncomfortable conversations now than to wait until they learn misconceptions elsewhere. And remember, you're doing your best, and that's enough.

Keep it Age-Appropriate

You don't need to divulge all the details. Here are some age-appropriate ways to explain things:

  • Elementary School: "Drugs like meth are bad for your body and brain. They can make people feel happy at first, but then they feel very sad and sick. It's like poisoning yourself to feel happy, which doesn't make sense."
  • Middle School: "Meth is a drug that can change how people act. It can make them paranoid, lose sleep, and focus on the drug instead of important things. It's addictive, which means people can get stuck taking it even if they want to stop."
  • High School: "Meth affects the brain's chemistry. It can create big mood swings, cause psychosis, and lead to malnutrition. People might try it to escape problems, but it ends up making life worse."

Ultimately, you're the parent, and it's your decision how much to share. Trust your instincts and consider your child's maturity level.

Open the Lines of Communication

Create a safe space for questions. Let your kids know there's no judgment and they can always come to you. Follow through on that. If you shut them down once, they may not come back. As they get older, have ongoing conversations, not lectures. Ask their thoughts, feelings, and questions. Show genuine interest.

Take Care of Yourself

These conversations can be triggering. Prioritize self-care:

  • Meetings: Attend NA/AA or support groups for parents. Sharing experiences helps.
  • Reach Out: Talk to your sponsor, friends in recovery, or a therapist when struggling.
  • Time Outs: Take breaks, go for walks, practice mindfulness. Don't feel guilty about taking time for yourself.
  • Healthy Habits: Focus on good sleep, exercise, and healthy eating. It helps your mental well-being.

The Silver Lining

These tough talks are opportunities. They let you shape your child's understanding of addiction, break stigma, and show the power of resilience. Kids will learn about drugs one way or another. At least this way, it's from you.

Recovery isn't easy. Parenting isn't easy. But with honesty, patience, and humor, we can navigate these hard conversations and raise informed, empathetic kids.

The Conversation Continues

Fellow parents in recovery, I'd love to hear from you. What are some of the toughest questions your kids have asked? How have you handled them? Let's support each other and prove recovery is possible, one awkward conversation at a time.-Belle 

Friday, October 4, 2024


As I sit here, reflecting on the completion of a project six years in the making, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of pride, gratitude, and a renewed belief in the human capacity for resilience. This journey was not a straight line; it was a winding path filled with peaks of triumph and valleys of doubt. Yet, with unwavering dedication and an unrelenting commitment to my vision, I emerged victorious on the other side.

The power of setting and achieving goals cannot be overstated. Goals give us direction, ignite our passions, and provide a measuring stick for our progress. Yet, the pursuit of long-term goals, the kind that span not months but years, tests our resolve like little else. It demands we tap into a deep well of inner strength, a resilience we may not have known we possessed.

I've walked the walk. There were moments I questioned my ability, my worthiness, and the sheer practicality of this endeavor. I fantasized about shortcuts and loopholes, anything to hasten the finish line. But the most profound growth, the truest sense of self-mastery, only comes from pushing through those resistances, from honoring our commitment to ourselves.

So, how can you apply these hard-won insights to your own long-term goals?

  • Break the Monolith into Molecules: When a goal looms large, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Break it down into manageable, bite-sized tasks. Celebrate each mini-victory along the way to build momentum and reinforce positive self-belief.
  • Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination: Long-term goals are a marathon, not a sprint. Find ways to derive meaning, joy, and growth from the process itself, not just the end result.
  • Lean into Your Why: Your "why," your underlying reason for pursuing this goal, is your North Star. When doubts creep in, reconnect with the purpose and passion that ignited this journey initially.
  • Cultivate Resilience: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, not threats to your ego. Develop a mindset that views obstacles as temporary and surmountable.
  • Practice Compassionate Perseverance: Treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you'd offer a close friend. Don't give up, but acknowledge setbacks, and gently nudge yourself back on track.

Achieving long-term goals requires perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in our inherent capacity for growth and change. I am living proof that with persistence and heart, we can turn our loftiest dreams into tangible realities. I have no doubt that you possess the same strength within you.

So, I ask you, what is the long-term goal you've been putting off or struggling to gain traction on? Commit to taking one small step towards it today. Break it down into a manageable plan. Draw on your deep well of inner strength. Most importantly, believe in yourself, every step of the way.

The journey may be long, winding, and at times challenging, but the sense of pride, fulfillment, and self-mastery awaiting you on the other side makes every step worth it. You got this. -Belle-

Monday, September 23, 2024

When Hell Meets Hope: Navigating Addiction, Suicidal Ideation, and the Power of Recovery

When Hell Meets Hope: Navigating Addiction, Suicidal Ideation, and the Power of Recovery

I'll never forget the day I hit rock bottom. I was alone in my apartment, surrounded by the remnants of my addiction – empty bottles, crumpled up foil, the stench of my own despair. I stared at the pills in my hand, my mind echoing with a haunting question: "Is this the only way out?"

But the scariest part wasn't that moment. It was the moment I got behind the wheel of my car, fueled by a bottle of Xanax, a bottle of rum, and a desire to escape the hell that had become my life.

I had just left my ex's parents' house, fleeing a relationship that was toxic, abusive, and suffocating. The drugs and alcohol had stopped working, had stopped numbing the pain. And in that moment, I felt like I had nothing left. Like I was no one, like I wasn't good enough.

I got in my car, pills and booze in hand, a rifle laid across the passenger seat. I was too afraid to shoot myself, but I knew I had to escape. So I started driving, the road a blur as tears streamed down my face. And then, I turned the wheel as hard as I could, feeling the car skid, the tires screech, the world spin.

I don't remember the crash. I don't remember the days that followed. I woke up in a hospital bed, attached to machines, my mind foggy. But as the haze cleared, I realized I had survived. I had tried to leave, but life had other plans.

It was a wake-up call, folks. A brutal, terrifying wake-up call. And it was the push I needed to reach out, to seek help, to start the long, hard journey of recovery.

My journey wasn't easy. There were tears, tantrums, and more than a few relapses. But with time, patience, and a hell of a lot of support, I found my way.

Therapy became my lifeline. I learned to identify my triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and challenge those damn lies my mind kept telling me. I discovered the power of mindfulness, of staying present and focused on the here and now, rather than getting lost in fears of the future or regrets of the past.

Support groups gave me a sense of community, of belonging. I was no longer alone in my struggles. I could lean on others who got it, who had walked a similar path. And I could offer my own support in return, which was incredibly empowering.

Finding my tribe wasn't easy. It never is. As humans, we're wired for connection, for community. We come from tribes, from groups of people banding together for survival. And recovery is no different. It takes a village, folks. It takes people who understand, who get it, who can offer a hand up when we're struggling to stand.

It took time, and it took effort. It took stepping out of my comfort zone, attending those first few meetings, reaching out to strangers who would become friends. But oh, was it worth it. Because now, I have a tribe of warriors, of fighters, of people who see me, who hear me, who cheer me on every step of the way.

Self-care became non-negotiable. That meant getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food. It meant doing things that brought me joy, whether that was reading a good book, taking a long bath, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning. It meant being kind to myself, even when that felt incredibly hard.

And when the inevitable challenges arose, I had a plan. I knew how to reach out to my support network, how to use my coping skills, how to get back on track.

Recovery isn't a straight line. It's a journey, with ups and downs. But it's a journey worth taking.

If you're struggling with addiction and suicidal thoughts, please know this: you are not alone. You are not a burden. And you are most definitely worth it.

Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional. Call a helpline like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK). Get connected with a support group, either in-person or online.

And for God's sake, be kind to yourself. You're doing the best you can, and that's something to be proud of. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small they may seem. And when the darkness comes, as it sometimes will, hold onto hope. Better days are ahead.

I still have tough days, days when those old thoughts try to creep back in. But the difference now is, I have tools. I have support. And I have a deep, unshakeable belief that I am enough. Just as I am.

Recovery is possible. Healing is possible. And you, my friend, are worthy of a life of purpose, joy, and freedom.

So, let's raise our heads high, our voices loud. Let's celebrate the fighters, the warriors, the ones who refuse to give up. And to those still in the midst of the battle, I see you. I hear you. And I'm here, cheering you on every step of the way.-Belle-


  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse:
  • The Recovery Village:

Note: If you're in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local emergency number. Help is available. You are not alone.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Recovery Month: The Non-BS Guide

Recovery Month: The Non-BS Guide

September is Recovery Month. Yay, party hats and balloons, right? Except it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Recovery is hard, messy, and sometimes downright ugly. But it's also the most worthwhile thing you'll ever do.

The Birth of Recovery Month

Way back in 1989, the federal government launched Recovery Month. It was a time to raise awareness, smash stigma, and celebrate the folks who'd fought their way back from addiction. But it wasn't just about feel-good fluff – it was a call to action, a reminder that addiction treatment should be just as accessible as treatment for any other health condition. SAMHSA started National Recovery Month in 1989, but it was originally called "Treatment Works! Month" Recovery Answers. It wasn't until 1998 that the name was changed to National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month to reflect the focus on recovery, not just treatment Canyon Vista.

The People Behind the Movement

Recovery Month wasn't the brainchild of some out-of-touch bureaucrats. It was driven by advocates, many of whom were in recovery themselves. They knew firsthand the struggles, the setbacks, and the sheer grit it takes to rebuild your life from the ashes. They were the warriors on the front lines, fighting for better treatment, more funding, and less judgement.

Organizations like Faces & Voices of Recovery, the nation's leading non-profit recovery advocacy organization, have been instrumental in promoting Recovery Month and advancing the recovery movement. They walk side-by-side with recovery community organizations, peer support specialists, and others to make sure the voices of those in recovery are heard loud and clear.

Mobilize Recovery is another key player, bringing together a diverse cross-sector cohort of advocates, allies, and stakeholders to celebrate recovery and promote access to treatment and support services.

These advocates, along with countless others, have worked tirelessly to make Recovery Month a time for celebration, education, and action. They've helped shift the conversation around addiction, putting a face to recovery and showing that it is possible to overcome even the darkest of struggles.

Recovery: It's a Thing Now

Flash forward to today, and recovery is finally getting the spotlight it deserves. We're seeing recovery stories plastered on billboards, hearing them shared openly on social media, and watching as recovery communities spring up in cities and towns everywhere. It's like the recovery movement has finally hit the mainstream, and it's about damn time.

But Let's Get Real

Recovery isn't some linear journey where you just put one foot in front of the other and voila, you're fixed. It's messy, it's complicated, and it's different for everyone. There's setbacks, relapses, and days when you just want to throw in the towel. But there's also growth, healing, and those moments of pure joy that make it all worthwhile.

The Stigma Problem

Stigma is like that annoying relative who just won't quit. It's the judgement, the whispers, the whole "just say no" BS that ignores the complexity of addiction. And it's deadly, keeping people from seeking help and speaking openly about their struggles. We need to create a world where no one is ashamed to say, "I'm struggling, and I need support."

Suicide Prevention and Overdose Awareness

Recovery Month also overlaps with two other critical awareness events: National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and National Overdose Awareness Day (August 31). It's a harsh reminder of the stakes. Addiction is a matter of life and death, and we need to be talking openly about suicide and overdose, rather than sweeping them under the rug. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a critical resource for those in crisis, and SAMHSA provides key resources for overdose prevention.

The Top 10 Things You Should Know

  1. Addiction is a disease. It's a chronic condition, just like diabetes or heart disease. It's not about being weak or lacking willpower.

  2. Anyone can become addicted. It doesn't matter how much money you make, how good your upbringing was, or how smart you are. Addiction can happen to anyone.

  3. Recovery is possible. With the right treatment and support, people can and do recover. It's not always easy, but it's worth it.

  4. There's no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person might not work for another. Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual.

  5. Stigma kills. It keeps people from seeking help, from being honest about their struggles. We need to create a world where those struggling feel safe coming forward.

  6. Language matters. Using terms like "addict" or "junkie" dehumanizes people. We need to use person-first language, like "person with a substance use disorder".

  7. Recovery isn't a solo act. Having a strong support system is key. That means supportive family and friends, as well as support groups like NA or AA.

  8. Relapse is part of the journey. It doesn't mean you've failed, it just means you need to tweak your treatment plan. It's like if you were diabetic and your blood sugar got out of control - you'd adjust your meds and diet, you wouldn't beat yourself up over it.

  9. Mental health matters. So often, addiction and mental health issues go hand in hand. We need to be treating the whole person, not just the addiction.

  10. Silence equals death. The more we talk openly and honestly about addiction, the more we can break down the stigma and barriers to care. It's like that saying goes: "You're only as sick as your secrets."

The Hard Truth

Recovery Month is a time for celebration, but it's also a time for some hard truths. Addiction is a ravaging disease that's tearing families apart and destroying lives. It's a public health crisis that's not going anywhere anytime soon.

But in the face of all this, there's hope. There's the hope of recovery, the hope of redemption, the hope of a second chance at life. And that's what Recovery Month is really about.

So, let's raise a (sober) glass to the warriors, the fighters, the ones who've made it through the fire and come out the other side. Let's honor their journeys, their struggles, their triumphs. And let's vow to keep talking, keep sharing, keep fighting until every person struggling with addiction knows that they are seen, they are heard, and they are not alone.

Stay strong, warriors. The world needs you. -Belle- 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Navigating Substance Use and Recovery in a Culture of Acceptance


Navigating Substance Use and Recovery in a Culture of Acceptance

I'll never forget the moment it hit me – I wasn't just partying, I was hiding. Behind a haze of smoke and a haze of booze, I was running from my own life. The substances that once felt like an escape had become a prison. But in a world that cheers on a good time and shrugs off a bad habit, how do you know when you've crossed the line?

We live in a time where Craft beer festivals and cannabis dispensaries dot our neighborhoods. Where "wine mom" is a badge of honor and "microdosing" is the latest productivity hack. It's easy to get caught up in the wave of acceptance and tell ourselves, "I'm fine. Everyone's doing it."

But there's a subtle, insidious shift that happens when substance use stops being social and starts being survival. When the drinks pour a little too easily, when the joint gets lit a little too often, when the pills become more than just an occasional escape. That's when the laughter fades and the loneliness creeps in.

For me, hitting rock bottom looked like a string of failed relationships, a job I could barely hold onto, and a deep, gnawing anxiety that followed me sober. It looked like mornings where I couldn't remember how I got home, and nights where I couldn't imagine getting through without a drink, hit or pill.

Getting sober wasn't a lightbulb moment, it was a slow, painful realization that I couldn't keep living like this. It meant swallowing a thick swallow of pride and admitting I needed help. It meant therapy, support groups, and a whole lot of soul-searching. But I know that's not the only path. For some, it's about reducing harm – cutting down, finding safer ways to use, getting support without quitting cold turkey. That's valid too.

Recovery isn't a straight line. It's a messy, winding road with plenty of potholes and U-turns. There are days where sobriety feels like a badge of honor, and days where it feels like a cruel punishment. But the alternative – going back to that dark, lonely place – that's unthinkable.

Here's what I've learned along the way:

The most surprising thing about getting sober? It's not boring. It's not missing out. It's the opposite, actually. It's seeing the world in vivid color, feeling feelings fully, experiencing life without a filter.

Substance use disorders are not a moral failing. It's time we start treating them that way. It's time we offer compassion, not judgment, to those struggling. Because the truth is, more of us are struggling than you might think. And with the right support, all of us can recover and improve our lives, happiness and future.

If you're struggling with substance use, here are some resources that helped me:

And hey, if you're sober and want to grab a coffee, juice, or Lotus energy drink – I'm buying. ☕️-Belle-

Monday, September 9, 2024

Meth-Induced Psychosis: When the High Goes Horribly Wrong

Warning: This post contains descriptions of drug use and psychosis that may be triggering for some readers.

You've heard the horror stories. The meth addict who ripped their own teeth out because bugs were crawling under their skin. The user who stabbed themselves to remove the imaginary spikes embedded in their arm. Meth-induced psychosis: it's the stuff of urban legends and your worst nightmares.

But what is it, really? And how does it happen?

Meth 101: Spinning', Stimming', and Losing Your Damn Mind

Methamphetamine, aka crystal, ice, or just plain ol' meth, is a powerful stimulant that hijacks your brain's reward system. It floods your noodle with dopamine, making you feel like you can take on the first. But meth is like that bad boyfriend/girlfriend – it seems great at first, but things go downhill fast. It's like a rollercoaster ride straight to hell, with paranoia, anxiety, and hallucinations waiting for you at the end.

As the high wears off, things take a dark turn. You're left feeling drained, anxious, and paranoid as hell. That's when the psychosis can kick in. It's like your brain has become a funhouse mirror, distorting everything and making you see and believe things that just ain't true. You start to lose grip on what's real and what's just a creation of your tweaked-out brain.

Psychosis: When Reality Goes Out the Window

Psychosis means losing touch with reality. For meth users, this can mean hearing voices that aren't there, seeing bugs burrowing under your skin, or becoming convinced that the cops (or aliens, or both) are out to get you. Imagine living in a constant state of fear, where you can't trust your own senses. That's what psychosis is like. It's like being trapped in a never-ending horror movie, with no way to hit the pause button.

Your Brain on Psychosis

So, what's actually going on in that noggin of yours when you're in the grip of psychosis? Well, meth messes with your brain chemistry big time. It blocks the breakdown of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates pleasure, motivation, and motor control. But it also dysregulates other neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine, which control mood and arousal. It's like throwing a wrench into the works of your brain's delicate machinery.

Imagine your brain is a city, with different neighborhoods (i.e., different brain regions) communicating with each other. Meth is like a riot that breaks out, causing those neighborhoods to get their wires crossed. Signals get misinterpreted, and suddenly you're hearing voices or seeing things that aren't really there. It's like your brain is playing a sick prank on you.

The Bad News and the Worse News

The bad news? Meth can trigger psychosis in anyone, even if you've never had mental health issues before. It's like playing a twisted game of neurological roulette – you never know when the hammer will fall. Some people might be more prone to it due to genetics or past trauma, but anyone who uses meth is rolling the dice.

The worse news? For some people, the psychosis doesn't stop when they stop using. It can linger for weeks, months, or even years after they've kicked the habit. That's because meth does serious damage to your brain, kind of like taking a sledgehammer to a delicate vase. It can cause long-term changes to your brain structure and function, making it harder to recover.

How to Help Someone in Crisis

You're not a doctor, but you can still be a decent human. Here's how to support someone who's struggling with psychosis:

  • Don't try to be their doctor. Unless you have an MD, stay away from armchair diagnoses. Get them to a real doctor, stat. A mental health professional can provide a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
  • Validate their feelings. Telling someone that the lizard people aren't real might seem logical, but it won't calm them down. Let them know that you understand they're scared and that their feelings are real to them.
  • Stay calm. Easier said than done, but freaking out will only make things worse. Imagine you're in a room with a spooked horse – you gotta be the calm horse.
  • Encourage them to get help. A combo of therapy and meds can help them climb out of that dark hole. Offer to drive them to appointments or help them find resources. Let them know they're not alone and that you're there to support them.

The Road Back: Is Recovery Possible?

Yeah, it's a long haul, but people can and do recover from meth-induced psychosis. It takes time, patience, and a solid support system. With the right treatment and a lot of self-care, it is possible to rebuild your life and your brain. That means therapy to work through your issues, meds to stabilize your mood, and healthy habits like good sleep, exercise, and nutrition. It's like training for a marathon – it ain't easy, but the finish line is worth it.

The Takeaway: Your Brain is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Meth might seem like a good time in the moment, but the risk of psychosis makes it a hard pass. Your brain is your most valuable asset – don't let some crappy drug turn it into mush. You only get one brain, so try and treat it with some respect.

  • If you're struggling with addiction, hit up a helpline like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
  • If you're in the middle of a psychotic episode (or think someone else is), call 911 or your local emergency number.

Stay safe out there, folks. Your brain will thank you.-Belle-

Friday, August 30, 2024

From Meth and Mayhem to Miracles: My Wild Ride to Redemption


From Meth and Mayhem to Miracles: My Wild Ride to Redemption

I get asked all the time, "What was it like?" They want to know about the chaos, the codependency, the criminal behavior, the abuse – physical, mental, emotional – and of course, the addiction. The dysfunctional world I lived in for so long. Well, let me tell you, it was a rodeo. A damn wild one.

I wasn't even two weeks old when my aunt and grandma found me alone in a crib with a bottle of water. I was just a baby, left to fend for myself. They took me to my grandparents' house, and I never really left. They adopted me, but it wasn't until fourth grade that I found out my "sister" was actually my mom. Yeah, that was a kick in the teeth.

I started using as a teenager. At 18, I hopped on a Greyhound to New York to marry some guy I met online. Yeah, that didn't end well. He dumped a bottle of vodka on my head and tried to set me on fire. Next up was a relationship full of cheating, lies, and lots of sex. And then there was the one filled with domestic abuse and obsession. Drugs were always there, woven through every toxic relationship, every bad decision.

Turns out my mom was an addict too, cooking meth for outlaw bikers and cartels. My dad was a pot dealer who joined the Marines. It's been a hell of a ride, and I never thought I'd end up where I am now. A substance use counselor with two amazing kids and a partner I actually love. People ask me how I did it, but it ain't as easy as it looks.

I've spent years working on myself, digging through the trauma and the baggage. I've done the 12-steps, worked in residential treatment, and now I'm taking on outpatient and teens. It ain't been easy, but it's been worth it. See, we can't move forward until we face all that crap head-on.

Addiction is a nightmare and a euphoria all mixed up. It's stealing from your family, crying yourself to sleep, and waking up to do it all again. It's feeling like you're bad to your core, like you're destined for hell. It's a constant battle, a civil war inside your own skin. It's the rituals, the routines, the endless cycle of destruction. It's losing yourself, piece by piece, until you ain't even sure who you are anymore.

But there's hope. There's always hope. If I can go from meth and mayhem to miracles, so can you. You ain't alone, and I'm living proof that you can get through this. It won't be easy, but damnit, it'll be worth it. Seek out counseling, find a support group, dig into your spirituality – whatever that means to you. I'm into ancient aliens and universal energy, but hey, whatever works.

And to the families out there, don't underestimate the damage this does. Addiction tears you apart, from the inside out. But there's help. Look for counseling, support groups, educational resources. Places like the National Institute on Drug Abuse ( and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ( are a good place to start.

So, if you're struggling, reach out. If you're trying to understand someone who's addicted, keep trying. And if you're like me, a survivor, keep telling your story. Let's shine a light on the darkness and show the world that redemption is real.

Note: If you're struggling with addiction, please reach out to a trusted healthcare provider, a substance use counselor, or call a helpline like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Helpline (1-800-662-HELP (4357)).-Belle-

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Transfer Addiction: The Sneaky Little Devil in Recovery's Detail

Transfer Addiction: The Sneaky Little Devil in Recovery's Details

Recovery is a wild ride, full of twists and turns that'll keep you on your toes. Just when you think you've finally got a handle on that pesky booze problem, BAM! Suddenly, you're mainlining ice cream like it's nobody's business. Or maybe you traded in your cocaine habit for a shopping spree that's put your credit cards into critical condition. Congrats, friend, you've just earned yourself a front-row seat to the Transfer Addiction Circus!

What is Transfer Addiction?

Transfer addiction is like the annoying ex who just can't take a hint. You break up with booze, but suddenly you're head over heels for benzos. You kick cigarettes to the curb, only to find yourself sucking down vape clouds like they're going out of style. It's when you swap out one addictive behavior for another, often without even realizing you're doing it.

Why Does Transfer Addiction Happen?

Our brains are wired to seek out rewards, and addictive behaviors are like the ultimate quick fix. When you stop one habit, those reward pathways in your brain don't just magically disappear – they go into hunt mode, searching for a new way to get that sweet, sweet hit of dopamine. It's like trying to plug a dam with leaky holes – you block one, but the pressure just finds another way out.

Real-World Transfer Addiction Examples:

  • The ex-smoker who gains 20 pounds because now they're obsessed with junk food.
  • The recovered alcoholic who starts popping Xanax like candy to cope with anxiety.
  • The former gambler who shifts their betting ways to "harmless" habits like compulsive video gaming or obsessive dieting.

The Dark Side of Transfer Addiction:

Transfer addiction is like the recovery boogeyman, the thing that keeps you up at 3am wondering if you'll ever REALLY be free. It's the voice that whispers, "You'll never be cured, you'll just substitute one addiction for another." It's the fear that you're just putting a bandaid on a bullet wound, that the real issues are still lurking beneath the surface.

The Hopeful Side of Transfer Addiction:

Here's the thing – transfer addiction doesn't mean you've failed. It just means you've got some more work to do. It's like leveling up in the Recovery Video Game – the challenges get harder, but you've also leveled up your skills. You've got this far, and you can keep going.

How to Combat Transfer Addiction:

  1. Mindfulness: Get real with yourself. What behaviors are you using as coping mechanisms? Be honest – are you substituting one addiction for another?

  2. Self-Care: Don't put that self-care oxygen mask on the backburner. You can't pour from an empty cup, so make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating like an adult, and moving that bod.

  3. Community: Leaning on your tribe is key. Support groups, therapy, dishing with a recovery buddy – don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

  4. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Find new, healthier ways to feed those reward pathways. Try a hobby, get creative, or find ways to challenge yourself.

  5. Compassion: Remember, transfer addiction is part of the journey. Don't beat yourself up over it – just acknowledge it and keep moving forward.

The Bottom Line:

Transfer addiction is a speed bump, not a roadblock. It's a sign that you need to shift gears, not that you should give up and go back to old ways. You've got the strength to overcome this, just like you have every other obstacle in your recovery journey. Keep pushing forward, even when the road gets twisty. You've got this!-Belle-

Friday, August 23, 2024

When Addiction Moves In: A (Somewhat) Funny Guide to Recognizing the Chaos, Coping, and Healing as a Family

Hey there, fellow travelers on the wild ride of addiction and recovery. I'm your tour guide today - a substance abuse counselor with a credential I earned the hard way: my own years of using and recovering. I'm not here to preach, but to offer some real talk about how addiction crashes the family party and how you can pick up the pieces.

Addiction: The Uninvited Houseguest

Picture this: you're living your life, and then - BAM! - this unwanted guest named Addiction shows up at the door. At first, it seems fun, even charming. But soon, it's taken over the couch, drained your bank account, and turned your family dinners into war zones.

That's what happens when addiction enters a family. It's like a disease that infects everyone, not just the user. Trust me, I've been both the infected and the infected-adjacent.

Spotting the Symptoms (Beyond the Obvious)

Okay, you might be thinking, "I'd know if addiction was wreaking havoc at my place." But the signs aren't always as clear-cut as finding a bag of drugs or watching a loved one pass out face-first in their plate.

  • Money vanishes faster than political promises
  • Lying becomes an Olympic sport
  • Moods swing more than a toddler on a sugar high
  • That "I'm just going out for cigarettes" line becomes the new normal
  • You find yourself constantly stressed, angry, or ready to pull your hair out

The Enabler, the Hero, The Mascot... Oh My!

As addiction takes hold, family roles get all messed up. You might become:

  • The Enabler: covering up, making excuses, basically doing circus tricks to avoid conflict
  • The Hero: overachieving to "balance out" the mess caused by the addict
  • The Mascot: using cute or funny behavior to distract from the elephant in the room
  • The Lost Child: getting lost in the shuffle, your needs ignored
  • The Scapegoat: becoming the "problem child" to shift focus from the addict

Time to Detach (With Love)

First, a disclaimer: stopping your enabling doesn't mean stopping your love. It means stopping the behaviors that let the addiction continue.

  • Stop lying and covering up. It's scary, but secrets feed addiction.
  • Don't take on responsibilities that belong to the addict. This doesn't mean abandoning them, but rather, forcing them to face consequences.
  • Seek support. Al-Anon, counseling - these are your team huddles to figure out this tough game.

Healing: The Long, Winding Road

Recovery isn't a quick fix. It's a journey, often with detours and potholes. But with the right support, self-care, and maybe a little dark humor, you can heal.

  • For the addict: treatment, 12-step programs - these are your roadmap
  • For the family: counseling, support groups - don't try to be the hero here, folks
  • Self-care: remember that whole "put your oxygen mask on first" thing? It applies here. Get enough sleep, eat something green occasionally, take a damn break when you need it

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

It's not always easy, and sometimes it feels like that light is an oncoming train. But trust me, there's hope. I'm living proof. My family's living proof. And if we can do it, so can yours.

So, keep moving forward, even when it's just a baby step. Celebrate the tiny victories. And remember, you're not alone in this wild, messy, sometimes hilarious journey.

Call to Action

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, reach out for help. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline is a good place to start: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

And hey, if you found this helpful, share it with someone who might need it. Let's break down some of the secrecy and stigma around addiction, shall we?-Belle-

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